Green Grey: A Fashion Brand Identity Inspired by Linen

Connecting Urban and Nature in Style

Green Grey is a womens fashion brand that draws inspiration from the raw beauty of linen. With its minimalistic design and eco-friendly ethos, this brand aims to create a balance between urban chaos and natural serenity.

Green Grey, created by designer Salvita Bingelyte, is not just a fashion brand, but a statement of identity. The brand believes that the clothes we wear are an expression of who we are and how we navigate the world. By wearing Green Grey creations, women can feel empowered to handle anything that comes their way.

What sets Green Grey apart is its ability to bridge the gap between urban and nature. Linen, often associated with traditional, rural clothing, takes on a modern twist in the hands of Salvita Bingelyte. The designer has created a new logo and brand identity that appeals to a new generation of urban chic women.

The logo combines the colors green and grey, symbolizing nature and urban life respectively. By using a minimalistic approach, with simple type and muted colors, the logo conveys the eco-friendly position of the brand. Linen, being one hundred percent recyclable, is the perfect choice for environmentally conscious individuals.

To enhance the simplicity of the product, screen printing on white, textured paper is used for labels, bags, and postcards. This technique adds a tactile element to the brand's visual identity, further emphasizing the connection to nature.

The Green Grey brand was brought to life in Vilnius, Lithuania, during a two-month period from January to February 2019. Salvita Bingelyte's research into natural products and the quality associated with them led to the creation of a modern, stylish, and sophisticated fashion brand identity.

Green Grey has received recognition for its outstanding design. In 2019, it was awarded the Bronze A' Design Award in the Graphics, Illustration, and Visual Communication Design category. This prestigious award honors designs that showcase creativity, resourcefulness, and a commitment to improving the quality of life.

With its unique blend of urban and natural elements, Green Grey is not just a fashion brand, but a lifestyle choice. By embracing linen and eco-friendly practices, this brand encourages individuals to make a statement about their values and their connection to the world around them.

Project Details and Credits

Project Designers: Salvita Bingelyte
Image Credits: Photographer (Liusjen)
Project Team Members: Salvita Bingelyte
Project Name: Green Grey
Project Client: Salvita Bingelyte

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